Monday, November 2, 2009

Two priests, a rabi and a duck...

I have a confession to make.
I love jokes. Now that's not actually the confession, but I'll get there. I have a ridiculously good memory for things like names, scripts, phone numbers and jokes. Long ones, short ones, ones that are so mean I wish I'd never heard them, I know them all. Actually, some of the jokes I tell are hilarious. The problem is that they're looooong. So what happens is, I'm about to tell a joke and I think to myself: "What a wonderful wooorld.". No sorry, I'm kidding. I think: "Why bother with a funny long joke, when I could just tell one of my equally great, short ones?". That sounds good on the face of it. The problem is that they are not equally funny. Not even a little bit. Here's the real confession: I find bad jokes hilarious. I force them on to the ones I love. To me, a well worded and clever blond joke isn't anywhere near as funny as:
"Why didn't the skeleton go to the dance?"
"Because he didn't have the heart!"
I laughed for 20 minutes the first time I heard that. Or:
"What did one rock say to the other rock?"
"Nothing, rocks can't talk."

What did the other rock say back?"
"Hello, I'm a magical talking rock!"
I don't know what it is about jokes that are...well, crap, but I just can't get enough. The main problem is that, in case I wasn't already socially awkward enough, this is another trait of mine that causes normal people to back away slowly. Sigh... I just don't understand how anyone could not find this funny:
"Why is a duck"
"Because two legs are both the same!"
Cat xx
ps. I realise it's a bit ridiculous to refer to blond jokes as good, but they're better than the jokes I tell. Trust me.
pps. That last joke doesn't make sense. That's the point.


Snake Charmer said...

lmao that is funny :D

Chrissie said...

Why did the boy fall off his bike?
Because the kettle fell in the water!


What's brown and sticky?