I'm back! I know, I know, what a pathetic attempt at giving up blogging, right? I've realised that this is an awesome way for me to write and read things that all you like-minded people are writing. I think I'll give my blog a makeover though; it's awfully pastel. Anyway, enjoy the new and improved Wonderland.
Thursday, August 12, 2010
Monday, May 31, 2010
I feel a bit differently about things right now. It's not my best friends that I'm feeling thankful for at the moment. It's the friends, however close, who are constant in their behaviours. The friends who ALWAYS make me laugh or who I KNOW I can trust. Some of these friends are really just good acquaintances, but it's always simple. Always good.
Cat xx
Posted by Cat at 5:24 PM 6 comments
Friday, April 30, 2010
rock and roll you ate my soul.
Good morning everyone. Zmaga has tagged me with "Good For You, Mate." Thank you!
quirk: I suck the pips out of grapes, swallow them and then eat the grape, so that I can enjoy it properly. Why the hell would you even buy grapes with pips Dad? Why?
Posted by Cat at 11:48 PM 4 comments
Labels: Tagged
Saturday, April 17, 2010
Seven Things...

Posted by Cat at 11:23 AM 11 comments
Labels: Tagged
Wednesday, April 14, 2010
Everyone must breathe until their dying breath.

Cat xx
Posted by Cat at 7:54 PM 21 comments
Labels: Melody, Yours Truly
Sunday, April 11, 2010
I'll just read a book instead.

Posted by Cat at 8:13 PM 7 comments
Labels: Melody
Friday, April 9, 2010
Absence Slip

P.S. Because you guys are awesome I want to give you an:

P.P.S. Images found here.
Posted by Cat at 4:24 PM 5 comments
Labels: Yours Truly
Wednesday, March 31, 2010
Bloggers Anonymous
Camelgirl tagged me with the Bloggers Anonymous tag. There aren't really any rules of this tag, except, introduce/describe yourself and then tag it on to three people.

Posted by Cat at 11:04 PM 4 comments
Labels: Tagged, Yours Truly
Monday, March 29, 2010
Cat xx
P.S I'll write a proper post soon :D
Posted by Cat at 11:14 AM 3 comments
Labels: Yours Truly
Monday, March 15, 2010
Who Needs Love?
Posted by Cat at 8:32 PM 3 comments
Labels: Prose
Monday, February 22, 2010
A poem...
Sorry I haven't posted in a while. My life is spectacularly uninteresting at the moment. This is a poem I was assigned to write for English. It had to start with
my sister
that we picked
we could never wait
for them to grow
to their full size
but Nat and Tom
didn't mind.
tall tales
Posted by Cat at 8:22 PM 6 comments
Saturday, February 13, 2010
"It's like totally kind what you're doing, but it won't make any difference"
source Abracadabra, Wow!
I like boys who like to think and girls who are nice to everyone.
I like doing methodical things like maths.
I like reading Harry Potter, no matter how many times.
I like drinking coffee, eating slices and talking with good friends at nice cafes.
I like waking up on a Sunday and realizing I can sleep in.
I like Bob Dylan lyrics.
I like netball training, it makes me feel healthy.
I like sunny parks on warm days with lots of friends.
I like finding great clothes when I don't expect to.
I like dancing to bad songs.
I like discovering new artists.
I like when someone makes me feel loved.
I love writing and reading.
Today I had a delicious chocolate slicey thing,
In some ways, I love everything. It’s less, it’s less of a thing to like, it’s less distinct, it’s less particular, I like things that I like but I love everything. There’s more choice in like, Cos even the worst things have things you love in them. I don’t know what you mean about things I hate…
I hate when some one's sad, and I can't help.
I hate regretting things that I can't fix or change.
I hate being laughed at.
I hate liking people I shouldn't.
I hate being let down by people I love.
I hate jogging but in a way, I like how I feel afterwards.
I hate waiting rooms.
I hate remembering my old self and not liking who I was.
I hate this, wow... sorry.
I'd like to tag both the Kreativ Blogger Award (in which you must write seven facts about yourself and tag it along to seven other bloggers) and Cassie's Therapy Video Tag along to: Maly, Camelgirl, Julia, Frangi, Phoebe, Scarz and Catherine. Enjoy :D
Cat xx
Posted by Cat at 4:31 PM 4 comments
Monday, February 8, 2010
I'm in love with Stacy's Mom...

Posted by Cat at 8:46 PM 4 comments
Labels: Pretty as a Picture
Thursday, February 4, 2010
Have a read?
“Can I have a drag?” I asked.
I knew how pathetic I probably sounded, but knew immediately that it was worth it, when he looked at me and a pack of butterflies went crazy inside me. He just studied me for a few, long moments, and then said:
“You smoke?”
The truth was I didn’t. I had before, but found it awful.
“A bit.” I answered.
“You shouldn’t. It’ll kill you.” He said, but handed me the cigarette.
I put the cigarette to my lips, trying to recall what Leah had told me the one time I’d tried this before. Taking it away from my lips, I passed it back to him and exhaled.
“I’m Elodie.” I offered, looking at him.
“Mitchell.” He replied, not turning to look back at me.
This is a story I've recently started writing, and I was wondering if anyone could give me some feedback on this paragraph? If you could tell what you think, and also whether you think the two should get together or just become really good friends, that'd be awesome. Thanks :)
Cat xx
Posted by Cat at 10:59 PM 4 comments
Labels: Prose, Yours Truly
Monday, February 1, 2010
And the girls want to know why boys like them so much.
I was visiting Frangipani Princess's Formspring page just as second ago and someone asked her:
You talk about all the important issues, but you don't talk about guy issues. You talk about hot celebreties but you don't talk about the guys you actually know :(
To which Frangi replied:
there's a simple explanation for that one:
I don't really know any guys. i've never had a boyfriend. never been kissed. i only have like, one guy friend, and he lives five hours away. if i had more knowledge or experience on the topic, i'd definitely post about it. i'll keep it in mind though, and maybe i'll do a post on it after i get settled in my new school :)
Which is perfectly reasonable, but it got me thinking (dangerous, I know.). I know lots of boys. I have heaps of boy...friends but no boyfriend to speak of. I know it's a stereotype, but it's true, guys are a lot less bitchy than girls and therefore far easier to be around. So why aren't there more boy/girl friendships? I can honestly talk to boys equally as easily as to girls. I think the whole mentality is something everyone just needs to get past because boys are great.
One of the people I can talk to about anything is a guy. He's one of my absoloute best friends and I know he'd never judge me or make me feel stupid. I sometimes feel that on the whole girls are a lot more judgemental of others. Not that I don't love a lot of girls too....that made me sound a bit slutty...
Cat xx
Posted by Cat at 10:37 PM 3 comments
Labels: Ponder
Sunday, January 31, 2010
Happy Birthday to ME :)
Posted by Cat at 5:24 PM 4 comments
Labels: Yours Truly
Friday, January 29, 2010

And here are a few vids/songs you should check out: :) :) :) :)
Cat xx
Posted by Cat at 10:56 PM 0 comments
Labels: Pretty as a Picture, Tagged
Monday, January 18, 2010
Nice to be back.
Writing. Drinking chai tea. Listening to thunder storms while warm inside my house. Listening to Bob Dylan. Performing. Lazy, warm, beachy days. Underwater hand stands (the only kind I'm capable). Genuine compliments on bad days. Uncontrollable laughter. Friendly strangers.
I'm tagging this along to 7 things. On another note, I apologise for my absence for that past couple of weeks. I've been away at the beach. I'd forgotten how relaxing it can be to have no schedule and no obligation to spend time with friends.
Posted by Cat at 6:08 PM 5 comments
Labels: Tagged
Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Posted by Cat at 7:01 AM 6 comments
Labels: Ponder, Pretty as a Picture, Prose
Sunday, December 27, 2009

Posted by Cat at 11:10 AM 0 comments
Labels: Pretty as a Picture